Many of our members just come to church and enjoy the service. Some decide after they've been here a while that they'd like to be more involved. Members are involved in small and big ways. There are plenty of easy ways to be involved at St. Matthias. For any given event you can sign up to help with set up, bring food, help in the kitchen, or other tasks. You can sign up to host coffee hour, provide the altar flowers, or help in the nursery. Do you have a special talent, or knowledge that you can share? Speak to our priest or secretary. Below are some other ministries that you might be interested in:
Worship Volunteers These specific roles take place before, during, and after the service. From simple to slightly more complicated, these folks help our service run smoothly. Acolytes serve at the altar; Lectors read two lessons; Prayer Readers lead the "Prayers of the People"; Ushers greet people, hand out bulletins, encourage visitors to sign the guest book, carry bread and wine to the altar, and pass collection plates; Greeters welcome people entering the church before the service and during coffee hour. Contact the office if you are interested in learning more. If you have signed up for this month, find the Lay Schedule here. Altar Guild This is one of our 'behind-the-scenes' ministries. The Altar Guild is responsible for making sure the altar is set up properly for the service and for cleaning and putting away sacred vessels and vestments after the service. Altar Guild members also wash/iron linens, see that the priest’s vestments are laid out, fill candles and perform other miscellaneous tasks to help insure the service runs smoothly. Chris Clark can fill you in on more details if you would like to help. Pastoral Care Team The Pastoral Care Team oversees several mini-ministries and involves the congregation in their implementation. There are many ways you can be involved. Some of us knit prayer shawls that are blessed at the altar and given to those struggling with serious health issues. We have a prayer list is that is updated frequently and prayers are offered for those with special needs. Others take the altar flowers and give them to shut-ins, nursing homes, those recovering or dealing with health issues, or those celebrating special occasions. Day-by-Day booklets are mailed or delivered to those unable to attend church and parishioners are remembered on their birthdays and anniversaries. Some of our team is also specially trained and licensed to deliver Holy Communion to those unable to attend church. We also organize funeral luncheons and deliver holidays baskets at Christmas time to parishioners or their families unable to attend church. Phone calls of support, personal visits, cards, and even meals, for those going through difficult illnesses or in times of mourning are other ministries provided by these volunteers. Contact Chris Clark or Rev'd Erin if you would like to join the Pastoral Care Team. Men of Matthias (MOM) Group Meets every other Thursday at 8:00 AM (second and fourth Thursdays) at a local restaurant. In addition to being a great community, they also do helpful service around the parish. Just show up – all men are welcome! Lakeland Pantry St. Matthias' helps bag and distribute food 4-5 times a year. Email Ron Glowac or call him at 715-588-1457 if interested in helping. |