Lent Ash Wednesday Noon: Holy Eucharist with imposition of ashes 6:00 PM: Holy Eucharist with imposition of ashes Holy Week Palm Sunday 10:00 AM: Liturgy of the Palms Maundy Thursday 5:00pm: Holy Eucharist, with the Washing of Feet, Stripping of the Altar Good Friday 5:00 PM: The Passion of Christ Holy Saturday 10:00 AM: Prayers Easter Sunday 10:00 AM: Festival Choral Eucharist |
Special Services of Lent and Holy Week
The season is marked with special services and liturgies, beginning with Ash Wednesday and concluding with the Easter Sunday. The liturgies are listed here.
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the cross 2019, will occur on Maundy Thursday prior to the Agape Supper and Maundy Thursday service. |