• Pull the fire alarm.
• Evacuate to the large parking lot.
• Make sure you do a head count to be sure that everyone is out of the building.
• If a small fire, there are 4 fire extinguishers located in the building. One in the kitchen. One by the bulletin board. One by the brochure cabinet in the hallway. One in the hallway to the office.
• Monitor weather and communicate.
• Shelter in basement or hallway without windows.
o We do not have a weather radio as most people have cell phones. There are flashlights in the basement in the event of a power outage. Again, cell phones also have built-in flashlights.
o The basement door lock has been replaced with one that does not lock. If accidentally locked from the inside, there is a special key hanging by the door.
• Evacuate
• Call 911
o FYI: Shut off valves are located outside the building behind the kitchen
• Turn off the water. The shutoff valves are located in the basement on the HWY 51 side. They are labeled.
• Call Howard Bros. 715-356-3670
• Shelter in place or evacuate, depending on the situation.
• Call 911
• Take cover
• Call 911
• Call 911
• Provide aide as able.
o The AED is located in the hallway outside of the kitchen.
St. Matthias is at low risk for security issues. However, we need to monitor trends and developments. It is important to maintain situational awareness and report any suspicious activity. We need to understand our space, including perimeter security.
Our facilities team has worked on issues regarding appropriate outside lighting, outside greenery issues, open door policies, door cameras and lock security. This plan will be reviewed and adjusted, as needed, yearly.
• Pull the fire alarm.
• Evacuate to the large parking lot.
• Make sure you do a head count to be sure that everyone is out of the building.
• If a small fire, there are 4 fire extinguishers located in the building. One in the kitchen. One by the bulletin board. One by the brochure cabinet in the hallway. One in the hallway to the office.
• Monitor weather and communicate.
• Shelter in basement or hallway without windows.
o We do not have a weather radio as most people have cell phones. There are flashlights in the basement in the event of a power outage. Again, cell phones also have built-in flashlights.
o The basement door lock has been replaced with one that does not lock. If accidentally locked from the inside, there is a special key hanging by the door.
• Evacuate
• Call 911
o FYI: Shut off valves are located outside the building behind the kitchen
• Turn off the water. The shutoff valves are located in the basement on the HWY 51 side. They are labeled.
• Call Howard Bros. 715-356-3670
• Shelter in place or evacuate, depending on the situation.
• Call 911
• Take cover
• Call 911
• Call 911
• Provide aide as able.
o The AED is located in the hallway outside of the kitchen.
St. Matthias is at low risk for security issues. However, we need to monitor trends and developments. It is important to maintain situational awareness and report any suspicious activity. We need to understand our space, including perimeter security.
Our facilities team has worked on issues regarding appropriate outside lighting, outside greenery issues, open door policies, door cameras and lock security. This plan will be reviewed and adjusted, as needed, yearly.